[명연설문] When they go low, we go high_ 그들이 저급하게 굴어도, 우리는 품격있게 가자. 좌파_우파 대립
미셸오바마가 과거 트럼프와 힐러리간에 대통령 자리를 놓고 대치할때 했던 명연설 문인데요.
When they go low we go high_ 그들이 저급하게 굴어도, 우리는 품격있게 가자
미셸 오바마는 연설 이후에 오프라 윈프리 쇼에 나와서 연설문 관련 부연했는데요.
참 공감이 가는 얘기 같습니다.
"저급하게 구는 것" 남을 욕하고 깎아 내리고 인신모독을 하고.....모두 저급한 것인데요.
"저급하게 구는 것은 쉽다. 그러니 사람들이 그런짓을 하는 것이라고 “Going low is easy, which is why people go to it,” 얘기합니다. 그런데 저급하게 구는 것은 당장 눈앞에 이익을 취할 수 있다고 하죠..
사람들을 분열시키고 이간질시켜서 대통령 자리를 취할 수 있으나 정작 멀리가지 못한다는 건데요.
정말 중요한 것은 삶의 목적이 자신의 "작은 자아(같이 욕하면서 저급하게 구는 맞대응)"를 돌보는 것이 아니라 다음 세대를 위한 긍정적인 롤 모델이 되고 긍정적인 변화를 만들고 있는지 확인하는 데 있다는 것이지요.
참 대인배 다운 얘기 같습니다.
반복적인 인신공격에 화가 날 법도 합니다만 ...... 그릇의 크기가 다른 것 같다는 생각이 듭니다.
요즘 유튜브를 보면 좌파는 좌파대로 우파는 우파대로 서로 나뉘어서 저급하게 굴고 있습니다.
잠시 보고 있자면 누가 누가 Go low가 아니라 Go the lowest 하는지 참 저급하고 저렴하게 구는걸 보는데요...
유투버는 유튜버 대로 국민의힘과 민주당은 민주당 대로 상대방의 정책을 가지고 싸우는 게 아니라
상대방의 인신공격을 메인 테마로 싸우고 있는 모습을 보고 있자니 참.....
조선 중기 붕당정치의 극심한 대립의 재림이 아닌가라는 생각이 들기도 합니다.
다시한번 When they go low we go high_ 그들이 저급하게 굴어도, 우리는 품격있게 가자.는 말이 떠오르는 때가 아닌가 합니다.
Michelle Obama: Why going ‘high’ when faced with a challenge is so important to her
At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Michelle Obama first uttered her now-famous catchphrase, “When they go low, we go high” while discussing how to “handle bullies” in support of Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House.
Her motto quickly caught on. Even Clinton herself used it to defend herself against then-Republican candidate Donald Trump a few months later during their final presidential debate.
On Saturday, Obama told Oprah Winfrey what “going high” really means to her at Oprah’s 2020 Vision: Your Life In Focus tour in Brooklyn, New York.
“Going low is easy, which is why people go to it,” Obama said. “It’s easy to go low. It’s easy to lead by fear. It’s easy to be divisive. It’s easy to make people feel afraid.
“That’s the easy thing and it’s also the short-term thing,” Obama said.
“For me, what I learned from my husband, what I learned from eight years in the White House, this life, this world, our responsibility in it is so much bigger than us. When I want to go low, it’s all about my own ego. It’s not about solving anything.... It’s about seeking revenge on the thing that happened to you.”
Obama adds that her purpose in life isn’t revolved around taking care of her “own little ego,” but instead to ensure that she is a positive role model for the next generation and is creating positive change.
“There is a bigger purpose for me out there. So when I respond to something, I have to think about that,” she said.
If her words are not fixing a problem or at least moving the needle in the right direction, she knows that she’s not going high enough.
“You’re just being selfish,” she said. “I believe that when you are a public figure, when you have any level of fame or if you have a platform, I believe and I always believe that I have a responsibility with that platform.”
And “going high” doesn’t mean you won’t feel the hurt or have emotions when faced with a challenge, she told The New York Times in 2018. “It means that your response has to reflect the solution. It shouldn’t come from a place of anger or vengefulness. Barack and I had to figure that out. Anger may feel good in the moment, but it’s not going to move the ball forward,” Obama said.
Obama, 56, told Winfrey that now she is very focused on her next chapter, which is to help the next generation of leaders.
“I take the words that I say to children very seriously. When I’m with a young person, I want them to know that I hear them. I see them,” she said. “It’s important for them to know that this person who’s so famous and has this platform thinks that they are beautiful and smart and kind and good in every sense.”
Correction: This story has been corrected to reflect that Obama said if her words are not fixing a problem, she is not going high enough.